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Event of CSA and CTUAA-SC next Saturday and Sunday

Dear alumni and friends,


Our sister associations, CTUAA-SC (Jiao Tong Univ Alumni Association), and CSA (Chinese Scholar Association), are going to have their annual conventions next Sunday and Saturday, respectively. We would like to show our support to them on behalf of PUAASC. If any of our PKU alumni wants to participate in their events, please let us know at info@pku.org, so we can attend their meeting together as a group and PUAASC will arrange some financial assistance for our alumni.


Best regards,





1) CTUAA-SC 2006 convention

2) CSA 2006 convention



1) CTUAA-SC 2006 convention


Dear alumni & friends:


You are cordially invited to attend the 2006 Annual Event of Chiao Tung (Jiao Tong) University Alumni Association of Southern California (CTUAA-SC), to celebrate the 110th anniversary of Jiao Tong Universities and the 64th anniversary of CTUAA-SC.


Shanghai JTU Vice President YIN Jie, Xi扐n JTU VP XU ZhongBen, and Southwest JTU VP PU DeZhang will each lead a delegation to attend our annual event. You will enjoy an interactive forum with the JTU vice presidents in the afternoon to learn about the job opportunities in JTU and potential corporations in research and commercialization of technologies. The attractive 搃Pod nano?is waiting for the lucky door prize winner.


Free wine tasting is available during the registration / networking hour.


The formal evening banquet will be filled with enjoyable entertainment. The raffle and auction will raise fund for scholarship to help financially underprivileged JTU students. Prize items include 3 x $1000 landscaping gift certificates, LA-China round-trip air tickets, vacation package, brand name precious watches, etc. Best of all, you will be happily surrounded by old and new friends.


Thanks our sponsors for their generous support, we are able to significantly subsidize the admission. Come and enjoy the event that belongs to all of our alumni and friends!


$1000 landscaping gift certificates, LA-China round-trip air tickets, vacation package, brand name precious watches, etc. Best of all, you will be happily surrounded by old and new friends.


Thanks our sponsors for their generous support, we are able to significantly subsidize the admission. Come and enjoy the event that belongs to all of our alumni and friends!


When: Sunday, November 5, 2006


Where: Hilton Hotel Los Angeles/San Gabriel,

225 West Valley Blvd,

San Gabriel, CA 91776


How much: Advanced purchase: Regular $55, member $35

Purchase at door: Regular $60, member $40

Full time student: $15


Program: 1:00 ~ 3:00pm JTU President Forum

3:00 ~ 4:00pm Financial & Insurance seminars

4:00 ~ 5:00pm Registration, Social, Networking, wine tasting

5:00 ~ 8:00pm Banquet, Ceremony, entertainment, raffle, auction

8:00 ~ 10:00pm Social Dancing, Karaoke


Dress Code: Formal / business atire. Black tie optional.


Registration: http://www.ctuaa-sc.com/events/2006/AnnualPartyRegistration.asp


David Wang: (626) 589 1036

Huo Rong: (323) 788 7757

Zeng Ming: (323) 202 6060

He Neng: (949) 923 1129

Checks payable to: CTUAA-SC

Mail to: CTUAA-SC 2006 Event, 172 Agostino, Irvine, CA 92614

Email: ctuaa@sbcglobal.net


Best Regards,


Chiao-Tung/Jiaotong University Alumni Association of Southern California






2) CSA 2006 convention


* please select UTF-8 coding if you have trouble viewing the Chinese characters in your browser




在此秋高气爽之际,我们向你献上CSA美国华裔教授学者协会2006年会程序,以供您报名与会前参考( Here is "The Highlight of CSA 2006 Convention Program" ): http://www.scholarsupdate.com/UpdateJournal/main.htm


Conference Theme/大会主题:Interaction of US-China & in the Frontier of Science and Technology




Host/主办单位: CSA/美国南加州华裔教授学者

Co-host: CSSA-Cal Tech/加州理工学院学生学者联谊会


Address: 加州理工学院 1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena , CA 91125


Date/日期: Nov. 4th. 2006


Tentative Program Schedule

(Afternoon Session – Admission fee: free)


1:00pm Registration: Check in - Networking


1:30pm General Session (Baxter Lecture Hall) - Greeting from CSA Board


2:00pm Panel A – Chair: Prof. Lisa Wang 王云霞教授( Cal Polytechnic University – Pomona )


Presenters in Science and Engineering Sessions : 2006 CSA年会下午作学术报告的著名学者专家


“Giga-Scale System-on-a-Chip Design”- 千兆级系统集成芯片设计

- Dr. Jason Cong 丛京生教授 (UCLA)


“Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: Interplay between Mathematics & Engineering Applications”

- Dr. Tom Hou 侯一钊教授 (Cal Tech)


“EDAPTS Test Deployment”

-Dr. Jia, Xu-Dong 贾旭东教授 (Cal Polytech - Pomona )


“Cancer research: from bench to bedside” 癌症研究:从实验台到病床边

- Dr. Wu, Hong 吴虹教授 (UCLA)


Special Report - CSA新疆访问团集体特别汇报:海外学者如何更好使用教育部“春晖”计划



- Dr. Shen, Bing-Hui 沈炳辉教授 (COH 希望之城美国家医学中心)

- Dr. Huang, Sheng-he 黄胜和教授(USC)

- Dr. Li, Bai-lian 李百炼教授 (UCR)

- Dr. Wu, Lao-Sheng 吴劳生教授 (UCR)





2:00pm Panel B – Chair: Prof. Kern Kwong 邝国强教授 (CSULA)

Presenters in Social Science and Humanity Sessions


“Privatization, Corporate Governance, and the Evolution of China ’s Capital Market”

- Dr. Chen Chao 陈超教授(CSUN)


“Comparison of Student Affairs Management in Higher Education between United States and Selected Asian Countries”

- Dr. Howard S. Wang 王世本博士、副校长(CSU-Fullerton)


“Multiple vs. Single Subject Approach: A Comparative

- Case Study of Teaching in American and Chinese Schools ”

- Dr. Justine Zhixin Su苏智欣教授 (CSUN)


“Chinese Teaching and Credentialing”

- Dr. Kylie Hsu (CSU-LA)


“Investment, Merger and Acquisition in China ”

- Attorney Xiao, Jin-Quan 肖金泉律师



6:30pm Banquet – at Dabney Lounge 郦永刚教授

(RSVP Fee: $25 for CSA members. $50 for Non-members)


Special Guests & Keynote Speakers 晚宴主讲嘉宾 Greeting from CSA Board


鍾建華總領事致詞Zhong Jianhua, Consul Genera, PRC


“Current Intellectual Trends”

- 诺贝尔生理/医学奖得主 Prof. David Baltimore (Cal Tech)



- 陈骏 President Chen Jun, Nanjing University(南京大学校长)


Piano Performance:


Schubert's "Military March" (舒伯特的"军队进行曲" )


Brahms'(check the spelling of this name) "Hungarian Dance,"


(No. 5 勃拉姆斯的匈牙利舞曲, 第五号. )


Prof. Shi Zhong 施忠教授& Miss Jeannie Chen 陈宇晶 (two-hand piano pieces)


Schubert's Impromptus Opus 96 (舒伯特的即兴曲, 作品96)


Miss Jeannie Chen 陈宇晶


Chinese Music Prof. Shi Zhong 施忠教授





RSVP 大会注册:Afternoon Conference Fee: Free

在白天进行的年会学术演讲 将对所有的专家学者、研究生和听众公开(免费 - 须先订座)


Evening Banquet (晚宴座位有限,须先订座):

RSVP (before 10/28/06) $50 (at cost - provided by professional catering service)

CSA Regular member $25 (this will include in the membership fee for year 2007)

CSA Life-members $10

RSVP After 10/28/06 $60


PLEASE fill the following:

Contact Name_________________


Work Affiliation_________________


Email Address__________________






1. Yes, I will be attending the CSA convention at afternoon section on 11/4 in Cal Tech with ________ guests/students


2. Yes! I will attend the Evening Banquet.


a. I am a CSA lifetime member _________________$10


b. I am a CSA Regular member, I will join/renew my CSA membership for 2007 (the $25 membership fee covers you complimentary seat)


Please reserve_______________ seat(s) @ $25 per person. Included is my check payment of $_______________________


c. I am not a member of CSA but I would like to support CSA.

I understand that my contribution to the CSA is tax-deductible and is voluntary. I would like to contribute/pay the following:


Attending banquet:___$50, Supporter:___$75, Patron:___$100 or more


Please reserve _________seats for me for the Banquet on 11/4/ 2006 (Confirmation can be e-mailed to you upon request)


Check enclosed in the amount of $______________


Please return the form and your payment check to “CSA” before


Oct. 28th 2006 to:

Prof. Kwan Ming Chan, CSA Treasurer

P. O. Box 1953 , Huntington Beach , CA 92647 , USA


Online RSVP: http://csasc.org/index_files/this.htm


RSVP through E_mail:


姜镇英 zjiang@barsotw.edu 郦永刚 ygli@usc.edu 黄胜和 shhuang@hsc.usc.edu 陈钧铭 drkmchan@gmail.com






华裔教授学者协会 (CSA) http://www.scholarsupdate.com/UpdateJournal/main.htm



姜镇英 会长 zjiang@barsotw.edu

郦永刚 副会长 ygli@usc.edu

黄胜和 秘书长 shhuang@hsc.usc.edu

陈钧铭 司库 drkmchan@gmail.com

沈炳辉 基金筹备理事 bshen@coh.org

邝国强 人文与社会科学理事 kkwong2@calstatela.edu

王云霞 工程与科学理事 ylwang@csupomona.edu


加州理工学院学生学者联谊会(CSSA-Cal Tech)


黎波 会长 libo@caltech.edu