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Future Entrepreneurs Workshop

Dear Alumni,


Please find an anouncement from SCMJ in this post.


Best regards,





Future Entrepreneurs Workshop


You are cordially invited to attend our 2005 Future Entrepreneurs Workshop. This workshop is sponsored by SCMJ and Caltech Entrepreneurs Club. It will be held at Caltech Beckman Institute Auditorium on Saturday, November 19.


We have invited 6 experts to discuss emerging business opportunities, development and challenges in mainland China , Taiwan and Hong Kong in the morning. While in the afternoon, we have 5 prominent speakers to address Path towards entrepreneurship - the Choice, Experience and Vision.


Further information of the workshop and registration form can be found at SCMJ web site (http://www.scmj.orgby clicking on workshop event, or click http://www.scmj.org/Events/20051119%20Workshop/Main%20Page.htm to take you to the direct page.


Some press release can be found from the following links:




Please register NOW as the seats are limited. The registration is $20 for members and $25 for non-members. The fee includes lunch and afternoon reception.


We look forward to seeing you there.