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Dance party announcement from CSSA-UCLA

Dear Alumni,


Please find a dance party announcement from CSSA-UCLA below.


Best regards,







Welcome back to school!!

Let's have great fun in a charming night, right before the stressful midterm. Let our hot music and beautiful rhythm bring luck and excitement to your new life!! Come on, join us on this coming Sunday at UCLA, DANCING!


TIME: 8:00pm-12:00pm, Jan 23, 2005, Sunday


PLACE: Grand Salon at Kerckhoff Hall, UCLA (please check Kerckhoff Hall

on http://www.ucla.edu/map/buildings.html



1)Free praking around UCLA campus

2)Free parking after 9PM in the meter area of UCLA parking lot 6; Meter

parking(12 minutes per quarter) before 9PM in the meter area of park

lot 6.




Students from any schools with an official student ID------------


All valid UCLA ID holders PLUS admission of one "guest"----FREE!!!

Others: $5



Wen Lin(maria_lw@yahoo.com)


Organizer: Chinese Students and Scholars Association at UCLA(CSSA-UCLA)

Co-sponsor: Center for Student Programming (CSP)



You are responsible for the safety of your own personal belongings.

People without CSSA-UCLA or CSP's permission are NOT permitted to distribute any

commercial, political flyers or other materials during

the party.




CSSA-UCLA Committee


Jan. 15. 2005