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Donation Drive for PKU Alumnus Chen Lin (陈琳)

Dear friends,


Chen Lin (陈琳), a PKU alumnus and recent UCLA graduate passed away in a tragic accident on December 27, 2009. Lin drowned in the ruthless sea while vacationing in Puerto Rico.


Lin, originally from Beijing, graduated in 2004 from School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, where his peers considered him a genius, an exceptionally bright star that had mastered not just one subject but all three: math, physics and chemistry. Between 2004 and summer of 2009, at Department of Mathematics of UCLA, Lin conducted researches with great depth and success in two independent areas, earning him great respects from peers, professors, and the high honor of being the solo recipient of the prestigious Horn-Moez Prize for Excellence in First Year Graduate Studies during his first year. Upon graduation he had moved to New York for a competitive and highly-regarded position - Assistant Professor at Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook (纽约大学石溪分校).


Lin was a bright, humble, inspiring, thriving young mathematician in his pursuit of knowledge and happiness, celebrating life and the subjects he had always felt so compassionate about. Loved by so many friends and peers, everyone around him was a recipient of the compassion and generosity that flowed from his heart.


Lin is the only child in his family. He has an elderly father in China, who is not well-off financially. His father has been greatly devastated by the loss of his son, who had made him so proud for the past 28 years. CSSA-UCLA, PUAASC and some of Lin's friends have launched fund raising drive to help Lin's family. We earnestly hope you will join us to offer Lin and his family a helping hand. Your monetary donations will help pay for Lin's funeral services and his family's traveling, lodging expenses, none of which, due to his OPT immigration status, is currently covered by his insurance.


Please visit http://pku.org/pages/chen_lin.php regarding HOW TO MAKE DONATIONS.


We will send you a confirmation email upon receiving your donation, thus please write your email address in the “Note” area on PayPal or on your check. Furthermore, we may post the names of donors on some organizations' websites (such as CSSA, alumni association, etc.); inform us if you would like to remain anonymous by indicating it in the “Note” area on PayPal or on your check. PUAASC is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) tax exemption status. If you need a receipt from PUAASC, please contact Xuemei Wei. Her email address is: cherpauline@yahoo.com . Please remember to write down your email address on your check so that we can trace your donation.


On behalf of Lin's family, friends, CSSA-UCLA and PUAASC, we would like to express our great appreciation for your consideration and help. Thank you!




Peking University Alumni Association of Southern California (PUAASC)



The following is the Chinese version (please view it using the UTF-8 encoding in your internet browser)







陈琳2004年本科毕业于北京大学数学系,随后进入UCLA(加州大学洛杉矶分校)数学系攻读博士学位,2009年夏天毕业后前往New York State University at Stony Brook(SUNY,纽约大学石溪分校)任Simons Research Assistant Professor。正当他即将展开拳脚开辟自己的灿烂事业之时,年轻的生命之曲却因意外嘎然而止。


陈琳是家里的独生子,家里有一个年迈的父亲,经济上并不宽裕。但是在他有限的日子里,他一直都乐观向上,热爱学术,关心朋友,积极热心地参与公益活 动。现在,陈琳的亲人们正承受失去亲人的深深悲痛,为了帮助他们渡过难关,支付昂贵的赴美奔丧以及丧事处理的费用,我们在这里号召您伸出友爱的援助之手, 为陈琳家人捐款献上一份爱心。全部所募钱款(扣除Paypal所需的0%-3%手续费之后)将由UCLA中国学生学者联谊会(CSSA-UCLA)和北京 大学南加州校友会(PUAASC)转交给陈琳在中国国内的父亲。我们可以提供由北京大学南加州校友会(PUAASC)出具的501(c)(3)非盈利组织 的免税捐款证明。 如果需要捐款证明, 请跟魏雪梅联系。 她的电子邮箱是cherpauline@yahoo.com。您可以通过以下方式奉献您的爱心:


1. 通过Paypal为陈琳募捐请访问以下网页:


(如果使用Credit/Debit card在Paypal捐款,需要支付$0.3+2.9%的transaction fee,如果使用Bank account/Paypal balance捐款,无transaction fee。为了使您的爱心发挥最大作用,我们建议您用Bank Account或Paypal balance转帐)。


2. 如果没有Paypal帐号而希望用支票献爱心,请写明Title: CSSA-UCLA,备注(memo)写明您的email,寄到如下地址:

Dezhi Kang,

1288 Barry Ave. Apt 1,

Los Angeles, CA 90025,




3. 如果你能够到UCLA校内通过现金或Check方式直接捐款,请联系康德智(310-890-0432)协调接头事宜。



