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2009 SJTU Alumni Summit in LA

Dear PKUers,

Please see following massage from Shanghai Jiaotong University Alumni Association. If you are interested in the event, please register and attend. Thanks.






Dear alumni and friends,


Tomorrow 8/31 will be the last day for the 20% discount early bird rate for the 9/26 SJTU Alumni Summit in LA. The theater seating for the day programs is limited to 200 and is filling out. Don't miss out the opportunity to have face-to-face discussion with the most popular and beloved president in SJTU history Prof. Zhang Jie, the incredibly talented SJTU VP Prof. XU Fei (former executive Dean of AnTai Ecom-Mgmt College), the widely-followed economist / public speaker in China Mr. SHI Hanbing, and nearly 40 business executives from China.


The evening banquet will be highlighted with the keynote speech delivered by the Honorable Elaine Chao, and filled with fun performance and auctions.


Many alumni are coming from China, Japan, Germany, Canada and various states in the US. It will be a rare opportunity to establish business contacts, find job opportunities, giving your constructive suggestions to SJTU development directly to the SJTU president... or simply meet up with your old classmates whom you haven't seen for a long time.


The updated program is available online at: http://www.sjtufa.org/news_events/0909alumni_summit_program.htm

Please register online by 8/31 to receive the 20% discount: http://www.sjtufa.org/news_events/0909alumni_summit_reg_1.htm

Make hotel reservations by 9/10 to received the convention rate: http://www.starwoodmeeting.com/StarGroupsWeb/booking/reservation?id=0906159851&key=2E35B

Please find more event details in the following email, or visit www.sjtufa.org.


Look forward to seeing you in LA. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or need any assistance.



Katherine He





由上海交通大学和上海交通大学美洲基金会共同主办的首届"上海交通大学北美校友峰会"将于2009年9月26日于美国洛杉矶举行。本次峰会旨在为校 友们提供一个交流、团聚的平台,加强母校与校友联络的纽带,帮助美中校友们寻求在两地的事业发展与合作的机会,以及为交大招聘优秀人才。本次峰会同时也是 庆祝上海交通大学美洲基金会成立的盛会。












上海交通大学成立于1896年,是中国历史最悠久的高等学府之一。巍巍学府,盛名远播,人才辈出,学术灿然,历史上被喻为"东方的MIT"。一百多 年来,上海交大为社会培养了大批杰出科学家、技术专家、实业家、政治家和社会活动家;培养了像钱学森、吴文俊、茅以升、张光斗这样的泰斗级学者,培养了像 江泽民这样的国家元首。如今,新交大人遍布世界各地,他们正在政治、科学、社会活动、实业、工程技术和医学等各领域奉献自己的智慧、取得非凡的成就。上海 交通大学正在向世界一流大学稳步前进。




为方便众多来自中国和美洲各地的校友莅会,峰会地点选择在位于洛杉矶国际机场旁的Westin Hotel。请访问上海交通大学美洲基金会网站www.sjtufa.org了解注册方法和更新了的会议日程。请在8月31前注册以享受8折优待。




Katherine He 何能

SJTUFA President


