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2012-04-15 14:18:59





The third wave of funding opportunities for new or expanding companies are coming to San Diego this May. This three wave pattern, first discussed in Silicon Valley at this year’s New Year TEEC (Tsinghua Entrepreneur and Executive club) gathering. The first wave of investment funding, occurring in the late 1999s, was from Taiwanese venture capitalists and corporations. Two examples: TEEC member John Yu (recently co-founded www.westsummitcap.com) founded his company in Silicon Valley and I founded an M2M module company in Southern California.


The second wave happened starting in 2010, when local angle fund and US VC funds were more reachable. In the bay area, Xie Qing started his security solution company (www.fortinet.com) and in Southern California, James Gao (www.apexonemicro.com) and Jinxin Yue (www.risecomm.con.cn) are good examples.


This May, delegates from China’s private local government fund and central government-supported fund are arriving in Silicon Valley and San Diego to introduce their fund. The three events are :

- May 5 in Silicon Valley at the Santa Clara Convention Center

- May 7 in Southern CA, Hilton at La Jolla from 6-10 PM

In addition, company CEOs such as Innolight’s Liu Sheng who have received investment from their fund will be at the event to share his experiences and, of course, answer your questions.


Make sure to register online at http://vc.1000plan.org/promotion.aspx

if you plan on attending either the Bay Area or Southern California event.


The US branch of TEEC members are delighted to arrange and organize such events, as they not only contribute to our local business community but also create jobs through these new companies. In addition, these events build up alliances between Chinese funds and Southern California’s start-up incubators—a relationship that is increasingly important in today’s tenuous economic conditions. Therefore, to further this goal, I have arranged for the delegates to meet and get connected with Southern California’s top active incubators before the evening event on May 7th. The event will start at West Wireless Health Institute, where I will co-host with Mitual Shah. In the afternoon, we will go to Connect and Comm Nexus, where the group will meet with Connect.org’s vice president Ruprecht von Buttlar and CommNexus.org’s CEO Rory Moore.


If you are interested in participating in these pre-evening events, please contact me directly by calling my cell at (858) 449-3664.




Wayne Huang


Connect EIR