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PUAASC 2002 Convention Related Issues
posted on May 17 2002

Dear alumni,

The PUAASC 2002 Convention is just around the corner. We hope that you can join


There are two convention related issues:

(1) If you want to sing karaoke or dance, we encourage you to bring your discs

since we may not have a lot of discs. For more information, contact Connie Yuan

at yuyuan@usc.edu.

(2) We will order dinner boxes from Chinese restaurants. Please e-mail

fzengsm@yahoo.com if you have registered and have some specific requirements

for the food such as vegetarian. We will try our best to accommodate your needs.

3) If anyone could provide a ride to two students living around USC, please

contact fzengsm@yahoo.com. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

