Dear Alumni:
The current PUAASC Executive Committee (EC) was elected at the beginning of 2006 and has served our members since then. According to our bylaw, the term of the current EC will expire and a new EC should be elected at the beginning of year 2008.
While we extend our gratitude to our current EC members and all volunteers who dedicated their time and effort serving our members in the past two years, we hope that more alumni will join the leadership and carry on the traditions of PUAASC.
To make this election a fair and exciting event, the Board Of Directors (BOD) of PUAASC has approved to form an election committee dedicated to this election. After several rounds of discussion, the new election committee made the following rules for this election:
1) Each competing EC team shall consist of a President candidate and at least one Vice President candidate. To represent the broad member base of PUAASC, each team is encouraged, but not required, to have up to four Vice Presidents (at least one from Beijing Medical University and one student). The responsibility of the new EC is to manage the day-to-day operation of PUAASC from 2008 to 2009.
2) Each President and Vice President candidate must present the election committee their valid affiliation with Peking University (PKU) and PUAASC conforming to ALL of the following requirements:
- Effective studying/working affiliation with PKU. It can be a formal degree or diploma issued by Peking University; without the diploma or degree, the candidate need to provide other legal documents proving the candidate has studied or worked in PKU equal to or longer than one year of time span.
- Residence in southern California, including the Los Angeles metropolitan area and San Diego area. It can be a utility bill such as the telephone bill.
The candidates need to fax the above documents to the election committee at 866-447-8750, or email the scanned copies to
Needless to say, serving our members is an honorable cause. It brings friendship and happiness to our fellow alumni, and in the mean time, contributes to our own growth.
Please nominate yourself or anyone you know who is willing to become a new EC member candidate by sending an e-mail to Your help will benefit and be greatly appreciated by every member of PUAASC. The nomination deadline is Jan 25.
Best regards,
PUAASC 2008 Election Committee