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CESASC Undergraduate/Graduate Scholarship and November Seminars

Dear alumni and friends,


Please find the latest announcement of the events organized by CESASC below.


Best regards,





Dear friends,


Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC) is providing scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students. You are welcome to apply. You are also welcome to join us at two seminars in November: 11/10 CESASC Health & Finance Seminars, 11/17 CESASC/CAFA Cancer Research Seminars.


1. 2008 CESASC Undergraduate/ Graduate Scholarships Announcement


Undergraduate or graduate students in the United States can apply for the scholarships by filling the application http://www.cesasc.orgApplicants need to provide supporting materials along with the application in soft copy format and email the materials to the following address:


CESASC Scholarship Committee

Email: cesasc.scholarship@gmail.com


The application deadline is December 31, 2007. See attachment for details.


2. CESASC 2007 Health & Financial Seminars


Date: Nov. 10, 2007, Saturday

Time: 10:30am -- 2:30pm

Location: Chinese Culture Center in El Monte

9443 Telstar Ave, El Monte, CA 91732

Tel: (626) 443-9999


1) Benjamin Liu, M.D., Ph.D.

Topic: Dance with Stress - Stress vs. Balance, Homeostasis to Harmony

2) Helen Xia

Topic: Protect the Personal Assets More Cost Efficiently - Auto & Home Owner Insurance

3) Albert Hsu

Topic: Completed the Retirement Planning with a LTCi

4) Prof. Jin-Jen Lee

Topic: Modern Investment Strategies for the Current Market


Lunch will provide to each attendee, and it costs $5.00 per attendee. Please RSVP online at http://pku.org/cesasc/seminar by 11/06/2007. Since our space is limited, please make you reservation soon.


3. CESASC/CAFA City of Hope Visit and Seminars


Date: Nov. 17, 2007, Saturday

Time: 10am -- 4:30pm

Location: Cooper Auditorium

City of Hope National Medical Center

1500 E. Duarte Road, Duarte, CA 91010

Tours: 10-11:30am (must RSVP!)

Lunch: 11:30am - 1pm ($10 per person, must RSVP!)


1) Cathie Chung, M.D., Topic: Breast Cancer

2) Kevin Chan, M.D., Topic: Prostate Cancer

3) Mike Chen, M.D., Topic: Brain Cancer


Please RSVP online at http://pku.org/cesasc/cityofhope ASAP.


Thank you for participating at CESASC activities. We hope you all enjoy the knowledge sharing and networking opportunities.



