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Chiao-Tung/Jiaotong University Alumni Association of Southern California 2003 Co
Dear alumni,
PUAASC has learned of the following event:
Event: Chiao-Tung/Jiaotong University Alumni Association of Southern California 2003 Convention
Date: November 8, 2003 (Saturday)
Venue: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007
Registration: www.ctuaa-sc.com
You can get more information at their Web site.
If you're interested, you can contact the organizers directly or reserve your
seats by e-mail info@pku.org by 11/4 and mail check (payable to PUAASC) to
3109 S. Oakhurst Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Admission fee: $10 for Business Panel Discussion, $20 for Banquet.
Best Regards,