名人论坛 - 海归经验对话
On April 3, 2010, we are going to hold an open forum on '海歸經驗對話' to the audience of great Los Angeles. We are pleased to have invited five distinguished panelists with personal experience on returning or serving for China, and share the experience or lessons with the audience. It will be very valuable for those who are thinking about returning or serving for China to learn from their experience and set up the right expectations and preparations.
This forum is co-hosted by清華大學南加州校友會 (THUAA-SC), 南加州華人社團聯合會 (ROSCCAO) and the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles. We will restrict the number of attendees to be between 80 and 100 to facilitate a real dialog. The panelists we invited include:
- 李軍,清華大學資訊科學技術學院常務副院長兼資訊技術研究院院長,清華信息科学與技術國家實驗室副主任。
- 滕尚華,美國南加州大學(USC)計算機系講席教授兼系主任, 哥德尔(Godel)奖获得者。
- 張東曉,北京大學工學院副院長、能源與資源工程系教授,“千人计划” 获得者。
- 栗亞,美诺医疗集团董事局主席兼首席执行官,美國美中工商協會會長,美國南加州華人社團聯合會監事長,美國北京聯合會創始人及董事。
- 秦泗釗,美國南加州大學Fluor講席教授,清華大學長江講座教授。
Please view the flyer attached for detailed information of the panelists and moderator (AM1300知名主播烏蘭). RSVP is required for this event. Please go to http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGZHbmtxVC1BN2dzdnBmeUs4QTJyWGc6MA to register for this event. Note that the registration is first come first serve and it will be closed at the midnight of Mar. 31st.
When: Apr.3, 2010, 3:30pm - 6:30pm
Where: The China Press, Chinese Culture Development Center (侨报中国文化发展中心一楼大厅)
2121 W Mission Road, Alhambra, CA 91803
Thank you very much. See you at the event!