Dear Alumni/Friends,
It is our honor to announce that the 2009 annual convention of Peking University Alumni Association of Southern California (PUAASC) and the celebration of Peking University 111th Anniversary will be held at the Almansor Court Ball Room (Salon 3) at 700 S. Almansor St, Alhambra, CA 91801 on May 3rd.
This year's convention will be featuring the keynote speech from Dr. Donald H. Straszheim, one of America’s best known China experts and macro economists. Dr. Straszheim served as global Chief Economist for Merrill Lynch from 1985-1997. From 1997 to 2001, he was President of the Milken Institute, a not-for-profit economic think-tank, and created the now world-renowned annual Milken Institute Global Conference in Los Angeles. From 2006 to 2008, he served as Vice Chairman of Roth Capital Partners, a boutique broker-dealer, spearheading its new China initiative Dr. Straszheim is now the Managing Principal of Straszheim Global Advisors, Inc., an economics, financial markets, business and policy consultancy.
In the wake of worsened economic situations and fewer job opportunities, we also invite one of our Board Member, Anna Hsu, Attorney at law & Vice President of Textile Plus, Inc. to talk on new H-1B conditions, and Nate Horton, senior recruiter from Internaxus, a professional high tech recruiting agency, on how to find a job during economic recession.
Convention Agenda:
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Registration
10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Informal Seminar (Anna Hsu & Nate Horton)
11:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Opening Remark by Katie Pan and Report for 2008-2009
11:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Keynote Speech (Donald Straszheim)
11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Q&A
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Luncheon & Announcement of Future Event
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p. m. Networking
At-door registration will be $50 for professionals and $35 for students. Please go to and click the link under the PUAASC news ( ) for online registration to save $10 as professionals or $5 as students.
For directions information, please call Almansor Court at (626) 570-4600 for further assistance.
If you are interested in recommending or being a sponsor for PUAASC or to be a volunteer of the convention, please send an email to or call 626-695-5146.
PUAASC Sponsor: (logo on PUAASC homepage)
- Platinum Sponsor: $1000 (plus a full color page advertisement on convention
- Gold Sponsor: $500 (plus a half color page advertisement on convention
- Silver Sponsor: $200 (plus a quarter color page advertisement on convention
Convention Program Sponsor:
- A reserved table across from the registration table and a full 8.5x11 color page of ad presented on each seat: $250
- Full 8.5x11 color page of ad presented on each seat: $100
- Half 8.5x11 color page of ad presented on each seat: $50
- Quarter 8.5x11 color page of ad presented on each seat: $25
Once again, we appreciate your support and volunteering. Let us make this convention a successful event for our alumni and friends.
Best regards,
About Donald H. Straszheim
Dr. Donald H. Straszheim is Managing Principal of Straszheim Global Advisors, Inc., an economics, financial markets, business and policy consultancy which he founded in 2001. First visiting China in 1985, Straszheim has focused on China since 1997 and is one of America’s best known China experts and macro economists, writing and speaking regularly on the economy, markets and policy. He is a regular contributing columnist for Shanghai’s 21st Century China Business Herald.
From 1985 to 1997, Straszheim served as global Chief Economist for Merrill Lynch and Co., headquartered in New York and serving the firm’s private wealth management, investment banking, M&A, and institutional sales and trading arms, traveling globally to serve these clients. A popular speaker, for 10 consecutive years he was voted to Institutional Investor’s All-Star team, Wall Street’s most prestigious award.
From 1997 to 2001, he was President of the Milken Institute in Los Angeles, a not-for-profit economic think-tank. He created (1998), managed and produced (1998-2002) the now world-renowned annual Milken Institute Global Conference (Los Angeles). From 2006 to 2008, he served as Vice Chairman of Roth Capital Partners, a boutique broker-dealer, spearheading its new China initiative, building it from zero to well over half of the company’s business.
Earlier in his career, Straszheim was Chief Economist at Wharton Econometrics at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.
Straszheim is a Visiting Scholar at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management, is Chairman of the Advisory Board for Etech Securities, and serves on the Board of directors of Hong Kong-listed Royale Furniture Inc. He is a past President of the Chartered Financial Analysts Society of Los Angeles, and is a regular contributor to the worldwide speaker program for the Chartered Financial Analysts Institute. He is a regular TV and radio guest on financial/economic matters, and writes regularly for publication on these topics. He earned a BS, MS and Ph.D. from Purdue University.
To contact:
Straszheim Global Advisors, Inc.
Tel: 310-293-1322